Sonic The Hedgehog &...
A hack based on Sonic 1 made by Ashuro.Credits:-MarkeyJester, for his ASM tutorials and helps.-FireRat, without him, whiRead more
A hack based on Sonic 1 made by Ashuro.Credits:-MarkeyJester, for his ASM tutorials and helps.-FireRat, without him, which things would not have been possible.-FraGag, my Canadian neighbor who helped me to better understand the asm (because he speak French).-GenesisDoes, who helped me to understand how to import and work with objects in a rom.-ValleyBell, without him, which i could never make my own smps songs.-Natsumi, TheStoneBanana, StephenUK, PacGuy for being patient with me on the "Basic questions & answer thread".-Clownacy, a great moderator, thank you for the helps.-A-S-H, to improve me in my SMPS work.-Frenzy-Frenzless, my AFTERLIFE partner, who helped me to find gameplay ideas.-Mercury, because its ReadySonic open-source helped me to translate Github's ASM to Hivebrain 2005.-RedHotSonic, to have tested my previous rom-hack and helps.-ProjectFM for many things like some music and asm help.
2017-04-04 14:20:46