Sonic Kyukyoku
Sonic Kyukyoku is a sonic the hedgehog hack made by Iso_KiloTeam Kyukyoku Credits: Iso Kilo, Gemini, G4, LJ Star, Mega TRead more
Sonic Kyukyoku is a sonic the hedgehog hack made by Iso_KiloTeam Kyukyoku Credits: Iso Kilo, Gemini, G4, LJ Star, Mega Team, Foxivael, DashNK, Edgy The HedgySadly, there are too many outside sources to credit. But your contribution will not be forgotten. Music, art and code was borrowed, but by too many. If I named everyone, then it could fill an entire page in itself.Hope everyone enjoys the countless hours we put into this!
2019-01-21 21:31:35