Hedgehog Abuse Simul...
Hedgehog Abuse Simulator is a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 made by Selbi.More info:A small hack that was originally intended to Read more
Hedgehog Abuse Simulator is a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 made by Selbi.More info:A small hack that was originally intended to become a full-fledged puzzle platformer by the time the contest hit, but due to technical issues and many time constraints never made it past the first few test milestones. For the contest, those few assets have been taken and reordered in a short, albeit (hopefully) polished way.There is no real game here, just a couple of demonstrating concept levels as well as an intro cutscene. The only reason why I decided to submit it anyway was because a lot of people told me to, saying that there's nothing to lose, really. But I hope you'll enjoy this short experience nonetheless!
2016-01-26 18:05:26