
Sonic 3 & Knuckles h...
A Hack based on Sonic 3 & Knuckles this is a demo version v0.39 made by Juke Denton
2019-10-26 17:38:36

Sonic 3 & Knuckles hack ...

Sonic 3 and Amy Rose
Sonic 3 and Amy Rose is a fan-made hack of the game Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, with charactRead more
Sonic 3 and Amy Rose is a fan-made hack of the game Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, with character Amy Rose as playable character in place of Sonic the Hedgehog. The games' sprites (modified from Sonic CD) use Amy's initial design prior to Sonic Adventure. The game was modified by Sonic Retro member E-122-Psi with additional programming and coding by other members including Tiddles, and additional sprite work by ChelseaCatGirl and MotorRoach.
2015-02-20 23:30:15

Sonic 3 and Amy Rose

Sonic 3 And Sally Ac...
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Sally Acorn (aka Sally in Sonic 3) is a fan-made ROM of the game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (and SoniRead more
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Sally Acorn (aka Sally in Sonic 3) is a fan-made ROM of the game Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (and Sonic and Knuckles) for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, with Princess Sally Acorn as a playable character in place of Sonic the HedgehogThe game was modified by Sonic Retro member E-122-Psi, with additional programming and coding by other members including Selbi, Markeyjester and Snkenjoi.Sally is slower than Sonic and can't use spin attacks; however, she has a number of stealth and agility-based abilities to compensate and access areas Sonic had difficulty reaching, as well as the use of handheld device NICOLE:NICOLE Laser Attack: Press A and Sally uses NICOLE to fire a small projectile which hits nearby enemies and obstacles.NICOLE Scan Mode: Press B and NICOLE will send a data wave to reprogram monitors and other Eggman traps.NICOLE Downward Laser: Press Down + A/B while airborne to fire or scan at objects straight below. Sally also gets a small vertical boost.Slide: Press Down while running to slide on the ground for a short distance. Sally can also slide under certain obstacles using this method.Somersault Dash: Press Down + C while sliding on the ground and Sally will somersault forward at a high speed. This is useful for jumping long distances.Upward Dash: Hold Down + C while on the ground and Sally will rev her feet on the spot as opposed to a spin dash. Let go of Down to charge full throttle in the facing direction. Be careful though, Sally is vulnerable to blockading obstacles and enemies.Sally also replaces Sonic in Competition Mode. She plays identically to 1 Player Mode.
2017-10-22 20:30:00

Sonic 3 And Sally Acorn

Sonic and Tals in Pa...
sonic and tals in paynt is a parody hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (and sequel to Sonic in Paynt) for the Sega Mega Drive/Read more
sonic and tals in paynt is a parody hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (and sequel to Sonic in Paynt) for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis by sebmal (credited as "thehulk" in the hack.) In this sequel that is most likely wanted by nobody, you can expect even worse palettes, a soundtrack consisting entirely of the Hidden Palace Zone music, and poorly edited level layouts.This hack is similar to the tongue-in-cheek hack Sonic 1337 by Ultima.
2015-08-19 18:17:01

Sonic and Tals in Paynt

Sonic And The Mystic...
Sonic And The Mystic Gems (previously known as Sonic 1 Harder Levels) is a hack made by Eduardo Knuckles and his team HaRead more
Sonic And The Mystic Gems (previously known as Sonic 1 Harder Levels) is a hack made by Eduardo Knuckles and his team Harder Project of Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Drive. It began in 2005 with the simple purpose of being a generic Sonic 1 for Sega Genesis with increase difficulty and revamped versions of the original levels. But now, it's going to present a completely new gaming experience with a new style of level layouts full of paths everywhere among new enemies, new objects, new character abilities, new menus, completely different styles of the Sonic 1 special stages and much more!Credits and Special ThanksMistergambit for his Spring Yard Zone and Labyrinth Zone level art used in the game.Tweaker for his information regarding music importing, bug fixes and the speedcap removal.HPZMan for the new sound driver instruments and the dynamic tile-set system.Selbi for some new exclusive ASM things and improvements.Master3k for sending and fixing some music.nineko for creating the xm3smps tool which was essential for the creation of some songs. Special credits to him for the different songs per act system used.SCAA for their art.Puto for his tutorial to add Spin Dash.FraGag for his tutorial to fix the spike bug.SonicVaan for beta testing.HCKTROX for the lead programming and bug fixing.GenesisFan64 for the save screen menu, for some fixes related to the fade-out and others.MarkeyJester for lots of important code and a whole load of others.Irixion for beta testing.PsychoSk8r for his the dynamic palettes tutorial.Esrael for fixing essential things in the new sound driver.Prilix Bõkun for bug searching and beta-testingEstlib for various art stuff related to levels and for additional help with creation of gimmicks and objectsDJ. Joker27 for his very big importance in specific level and misc musicMighty Arnold for additional support with beta-testing and level layout designKenny0989 for additional support in the music department Special credits to Harder Project's Team by all the useful exclusively things used in the project.
2020-11-01 08:53:58

Sonic And The Mystic Gem...
Sonic Damacy

Sonic Frenzy
Sonic Frenzy is a hack based on Sonic 2 it mainly features modified art and level layout in an attempt to create a freshRead more
Sonic Frenzy is a hack based on Sonic 2 it mainly features modified art and level layout in an attempt to create a fresh classic sonic experience. Currently contains two new zones with unique layout and multiple and varied level routes.The hack made by SteamPoweredPixel
2017-02-05 19:19:46

Sonic Frenzy

Sonic in Paynt
Sonic in Paynt is a parody hack of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis by sebmal (credited as "thehulk" iRead more
Sonic in Paynt is a parody hack of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis by sebmal (credited as "thehulk" in the hack as a semi-successful attempt at trolling Sonic Cult). In an attempt to make the worst hack possible, uncoordinated palettes and clashing music and were utilized.This hack is similar to the tongue-in-cheek hack Sonic 1337 by Ultima.There's also a sequel, Sonic and Tals in Paynt. It's even worse.
2015-08-22 19:02:07

Sonic in Paynt

Sonic Kyukyoku
Sonic Kyukyoku is a sonic the hedgehog hack made by Iso_KiloTeam Kyukyoku Credits: Iso Kilo, Gemini, G4, LJ Star, Mega TRead more
Sonic Kyukyoku is a sonic the hedgehog hack made by Iso_KiloTeam Kyukyoku Credits: Iso Kilo, Gemini, G4, LJ Star, Mega Team, Foxivael, DashNK, Edgy The HedgySadly, there are too many outside sources to credit. But your contribution will not be forgotten. Music, art and code was borrowed, but by too many. If I named everyone, then it could fill an entire page in itself.Hope everyone enjoys the countless hours we put into this!
2019-01-21 21:31:35

Sonic Kyukyoku

Sonic Labyrinth 2
Sonic Labyrinth 2 is a hack by Team Overload, Unlimited Trees.While I was creating that terrible Pespi hack, I thought tRead more
Sonic Labyrinth 2 is a hack by Team Overload, Unlimited Trees.While I was creating that terrible Pespi hack, I thought to myself "Man, why can't I just play normal Sonic 2?" And then, I thought to myself "Why isn't there a sequel to Sonic Labyrinth?". So, I put my skills to the test, and created what, basically, is just vanilla Sonic 2! No major changes, aside from a few "fixes". For example, remember that annoying control lock that stopped you from jumping and moving while spinning? Well, now you can't even jump while rolling! Now there is no control lock problem to deal with, because it doesn't exist! Another thing I should add, is that there is some bug in the game. I can't really explain it, but it's not like it's noticeable or anything!. Anyways, this is just normal Sonic 2, don't bother if you don't want to play the same game again.Also, this game was created using SonED2 and Sonic 2 Github disassembly. Why did I use SonED2? Because, otherwise, this game would be impossible!Spoliers: This hack is simply just a joke hack I made while I was bored. The game IS possible (except for one problem), but it would require some skills in order to beat. You would have to go on very specific routes in order to win, as well as be very careful on what you do. My tip: Don't spindash too much. It would mess you up a lot. Also, make sure you know a lot about Sonic's physics, otherwise you wouldn't make it very far.
2017-02-21 01:21:49

Sonic Labyrinth 2

Sonic Legacy
Sonic Legacy is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive that has been worked on since October of Read more
Sonic Legacy is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive that has been worked on since October of 2016 for the 2017 Sonic Hacking Contest. It isn't a radical departure from the original game as it is my first hack and I haven't yet learned M68K ASM.CREDITS * GAMMA V - Most custom art, most custom music, all level layouts * CRASH - Midnight Metro Act 2 and Special Stage music * JUBBALUB - Lava Canyon Act 2 music * SELBI - Sonic 2 Text Code Editor * CLOWNACY - Sonic 2 Clone Driver V2 * SCHG/SONIC RETRO - Code for various bugfix hacks * SKYLIGHTS/SPRITERS RESOURCE - S3&K Angel Island Act 1 sprite sheet (used for the top part of Marsh Palace's background) * DJOHE Background deformation removal (necessary for the custom background in Marsh Palace), VCZ/SCZ 2P custom art fixes * VALLEY BELL - MIDI2SMPS * MARIOMANIAC444 - Boss music (original composer) * LIL-G - Per-Act music changing code
2017-12-05 01:35:16