Yogi Bears Cartoon C...
Adventures of Yogi Bear is a multi-platform game released by Cybersoft on October 1, 1994 in North America and later in Read more
Adventures of Yogi Bear is a multi-platform game released by Cybersoft on October 1, 1994 in North America and later in Japan and Europe. The game is called Yogi Bear in Japan, Yogi Bear's Cartoon Caper for the European Super NES version, and Yogi Bear: Cartoon Capers for the European Sega Mega Drive version.
2015-02-20 23:29:50
Yogi Bears Cartoon Caper...
Young Indiana Jones - In...
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou...
Zero the Kamikaze Sq...
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Mega Drive. It is a spin-off oRead more
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Mega Drive. It is a spin-off of the Aero the Acro-Bat series.
The main star is Zero, Aero's rival from the previous games. A version for the Game Boy Advance was planned in 2003, but it was never released.
2015-02-20 23:29:38
Zero the Kamikaze Squirr...
Zero Tolerance
Zero Tolerance is a 1994 video game developed by Technopop and published by Accolade exclusively for the Sega Mega DriveRead more
Zero Tolerance is a 1994 video game developed by Technopop and published by Accolade exclusively for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis video game console. It was one of the few Mega Drive/Genesis first person shooters, besides Bloodshot and the Duke Nukem 3D port. Due to the limitations of the hardware, the player's view of the 3D environment was restricted to a fraction of the screen, with the player's HUD, a map of the surrounding area, and the player character's ID card comprising the rest of the screen space. Still, it featured impressive visual effects for its time and especially for the Genesis, a system with hardware that lacked much of the necessary scaling and rotation technologies normally needed to create even the most rudimentary appearance of 3D environments (such as rival Super NES' built-in "Mode 7" technology and "Super FX Chip" add-on). In fact, the smoothness and speed at which Zero Tolerance ran was said to rival many of the lower-end versions of Doom available at the time.
2015-02-20 23:29:38
Zero Tolerance
Zombies Ate My Neigh...
Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a run and gun video game developed by LucasArts and originally published by Konami for the SRead more
Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a run and gun video game developed by LucasArts and originally published by Konami for the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis consoles in 1993.
One or two players take control of protagonists Zeke and Julie in order to rescue the titular neighbors from monsters often seen in horror movies. Aiding them in this task are a variety of weapons and power-ups that can be used to battle the numerous enemies in each level. Various elements and aspects of horror movies are referenced in the game with some of its more violent content being censored in various territories such as Europe and Australia, where it is known only as Zombies.
While not a massive commercial success, the game has been well received for its graphical style, humor and deep gameplay. It spawned a sequel, Ghoul Patrol, released in 1994. In 2009, Zombies Ate My Neighbors was re-released for the Virtual Console to positive reviews.
2015-02-20 23:29:38