137E0 Action 1 Steak
137E0 Action 1 Steak Is a hack based on Sonic the hedgehog - Sonic hacking contest 2016.Music Shamlessly Stolen from: BaRead more
137E0 Action 1 Steak Is a hack based on Sonic the hedgehog - Sonic hacking contest 2016.Music Shamlessly Stolen from: BakayoteEverything Else: LuigiXHeroSteak Stolen From: SuperEgg, you can hear his honks of rage on the Sega Screen.Controls & Abilities:- Hold up and Press jump to do a Super Peelout- Hold Down and Press Jump to spindash- Press Jump to JumpTop Sekret Info:- There is a rumor that finding the Giant Steak in the level will let you go to other locales. (Not in current build, probably never will be added since this is the only planned release)- Few Easter Eggs, Enjoy finding them all. (There is even one that involves a handy dandy Hex Editor)
2016-11-14 04:41:41