Blue Potato the Mcdo...
Blue Potato is a joke hack in sonic 2 made by Blue Potato (or Sonic Cj).Story:Blue Potato is a normal potato in the McDoRead more
Blue Potato is a joke hack in sonic 2 made by Blue Potato (or Sonic Cj).Story:Blue Potato is a normal potato in the McDonald's fast-food, when he got strange Sanic's powers. And now, he need save all the potatos before the Dr. Ronald McDonald's transform all in foods or robotsThis hack make changes on:The sprites, some levels and changes some textsStages:Mcdonalds Hill: An generic hill full of ketchup in the water falls and the oecean. The backgrond looks like a desert and the first act have layout changes tooHappy Plant: Is happy because is just chemical plant, the best level of Sonic 2. But, just don´t fall on the toxic water, for you safety. First act have layout changes Aquatic food: This is the worst place to do a aquatic park ride. Eww, hamburgers on the water is just... blerg, just, take the up route okay ?Mc Cassino: A fast food and cassino. Did I need to say more ? Top of the hill: A totaly original levelMystic Cave: Other original levelOcean of money: The storage of all the money of the Mcdonalds franchise. But is better not swim in like DuckTalesMcbase: A giant base, way biger then your Grand Big Tasty or your 10 Big Mac. This thing is really huge. Little changes hereSky Deliver: Time to strike the Ronald Mcdonald last ship. Any wrong move and you are fried (See the joke ? No ? Oh well). Little changes here tooSky Mcdonald: You are a bird but you got tired and hungry, and no have a werid gigant flynig fortress fast food of death close to you ? No problem, the Mcdonalds fortress do the job. But wait, you can call the fortress to deliver the food for you, and even have a drive - tru.Space Mcdonalds: You live in space ? No? So you will love go to the space Mcdonalds some day. But the colors make you so dizzy, you never will come back to reach the stars (took the joke ?)Characters:Blue Potato(Sonic): He jumps higher than original Sonic and he's acceleration is just crazy in the water, make the things more harder then normalKing(Tails): It's just Tails, exepect by the fact is the HARD MODE of the game. He has a lower jump, not kidding, the jump is just a attack, don´t go far then 1 cm. I think is impossible to pass, but, if somehow, you pass this mode, I buy 5 big mac for you, serious, this mode, only God, Chuck Norris, Razor and Zenor and John Cena can pass (If you are one of these people, the challenge dosen´t cont)Ronald Mcdonald(Robotnik): He is just Eggman, but he's machines may be a little bit hard. Just a LIIIIIITLE BIT.Bad Ending: King betray you because reasons, and you can´t go to Space Mcdonald (I don´t know why this happen in game. Of coruse, is because the Sonic´s jump, but, be Super, changes the cutcene).Good Ending(Go Super to the cutcene): King will see you are in badass mode, and dont will betray you because reasons.If happen other ending, please, show for meSpecial thanks: The people of the Power Sonic FórumThe creators of SonikSprite and Esrael Sonic Editor 2 The mcdonalds franchise Sega and Sonic TeamAnd the people who played the game
2016-11-14 04:51:48